Volatile Oil Containing Phenol

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Chapter: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : Drugs Containing Volatile Oils

Two kinds of phenols occur in volatile oils: those that are present naturally and those that are produced as the result of destructive distillation of certain plant products. Eugenol, thymol, and carvacrol are important phenols found in volatile oils. Eugenol occurs in Clove oil, Myrcia oil, and other oils; thymol and carvacrol occur in Thyme oil, Ajowan oil, and creosol; and guaiacol are present in creosote and pine tar.




Two kinds of phenols occur in volatile oils: those that are present naturally and those that are produced as the result of destructive distillation of certain plant products. Eugenol, thymol, and carvacrol are important phenols found in volatile oils. Eugenol occurs in Clove oil, Myrcia oil, and other oils; thymol and carvacrol occur in Thyme oil, Ajowan oil, and creosol; and guaiacol are present in creosote and pine tar.


The more important drugs containing phenol volatile oils are Thyme, Clove, Myrcia oil, Creosote, Ajowan, Tulsi, Pine tar, and Juniper tar.


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