Treatment of Chronic Biofilm Infections

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Chapter: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Microbial Biofilms: Consequences For Health

As already stated, chronic, recurrent and device-related infections are now recognized to be associated with biofilm formation. Biofilms, as discussed above, possess multiple mechanisms that render them less susceptible to antibiotic treatment than the same isolate in the planktonic mode of growth.




As already stated, chronic, recurrent and device-related infections are now recognized to be associated with biofilm formation. Biofilms, as discussed above, possess multiple mechanisms that render them less susceptible to antibiotic treatment than the same isolate in the planktonic mode of growth. The antibiotics we have today were all selected for efficacy against planktonic cultures and all our diagnostics are based on planktonic assays. Finally, we now recognize that MIC values provide us with little relevant information on how to treat biofilm infections. Clearly, a new paradigm for treatment of biofilms is needed.

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