The Next Stage Review

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Hospital pharmacy within the National Health Service

In 2007 the health minister, Lord Darzi, set out in an interim report the vision for the NHS for the following 10 years.

The Next Stage Review


In 2007 the health minister, Lord Darzi, set out in an interim report the vision for the NHS for the following 10 years. The vision was for an NHS that is fair, personalised, effective and safe. The point was made that there had been significant investment over the previous decade and the time had come to create a world-class service. After further work, the following year High Quality Care for All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report was published – coinciding with the NHS’s 60th anniversary. The focus was very much on quality quality as the guiding principle of the NHS, with a definition of quality that includes safety, effectiveness and patient experience. Table 1.1 sets out some of the key issues from the report and able 1.2 gives more information on the three elements of quality. 

The document emphasised the importance of clinical leadership, pointing out that clinical staff have three key aspects to their roles: (1) providing direct care; (2) working with others and in the team; and (3) working as leaders. Pharmacists were clearly included as clinicians along with nurses and allied health professionals.

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