The future

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Work force development

The NHS will continue to modernise and change. This will bring new demands on the profession that will need to be underpinned with well-educated, trained and competent staff.

The future


The NHS will continue to modernise and change. This will bring new demands on the profession that will need to be underpinned with well-educated, trained and competent staff. Among these factors will be:


· revised General Pharmaceutical Council standards for education, training and CPD for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians


· training, often delivered by employers on a mandatory basis, to support medicines governance, for example, to ensure competence for prescribing, prescription screening and dispensing chemotherapy


· greater uptake of new ways to support learning and assessment, for example, greater use of e-portfolios, e-learning and e-assessment


· the further definition of advanced and specialist practice and the specification of the learning needs of those practitioners


· the incorporation of new elements of practice into undergraduate and preregistration training, for example, elements of prescribing competencies and supply through patient group directions


· CPD and revalidation to practice


· new systems for workforce planning.


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