Shark Liver Oil

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Chapter: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : Drugs Containing Lipids

Shark liver oil is the fixed oil obtained from the fresh and healthy livers of shark fish Hypoprion brevirostris, belonging to family Carcharhinidae.






Oleum selachoide.


Biological Source


Shark liver oil is the fixed oil obtained from the fresh and healthy livers of shark fish Hypoprion brevirostris, belonging to family Carcharhinidae.


Geographical Source   


Shark is found on seacoasts of many European countries and in India in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Kerala.




Livers are removed from the fish, cleaned thoroughly, freed from fatly substances, and attached tissues like gallbladders. Then the livers are heated in water at about 80°C. The oil exudes, floats on the top, and is separated, washed and water is removed. The dehydrated oil is cooled to separate stearin. The suspended materials are removed by centrifugation. The oil is supplemented with vitamins A and D in desired amount.




Shark liver oil is pale yellow to brownish yellow, viscous liquid with fishy odour, and bland taste. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol and freely miscible in nonpolar solvents such as petroleum ether, chloroform, and benzene. Its acid value is about 2, saponification value 150–200, and iodine value 160–350.


Chemical Constituents


The active principle of Shark liver oil is vitamin A which varies from 15,000 to 30,000 I.U. per g of the oil. It contains glycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.



Chemical Tests  


A solution of shark liver oil (1 drop) in chloroform (1 ml) is treated with sulphuric acid (1 drop). A violet colour changing to purple or brown is formed due to the presence of vitamin A.


Shark liver oil (1 ml) is dissolved in chloroform (10 ml). Few drops of saturated solution of antimony trichloride in chloroform are added to the solution. A blue colour is formed due to the presence of vitamin A.




Shark liver oil is used to treat xerophthalmia (abnormal dryness of the surface of conjunctiva) occurring due to deficiency of vitamin A. The oil is nutritive and used as a tonic.


Marketed Products


It is one of the ingredients of the preparation known as Shark liver oil softgels (Now Foods).


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