Risks with medicines

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Risks with medicines

Pharmacists working in hospitals play a significant role in managing medicines risk. But what is medicines risk?

Risks with medicines


Pharmacists working in hospitals play a significant role in managing medi-cines risk. But what is medicines risk?


Risk is defined in a number of ways:


·      As a noun, risk is a situation involving exposure to danger, the possibility that something unpleasant will happen and a person or thing causing a risk or regarded in relation to risk.


·      As a verb, risk is to expose to danger or loss, to act in such a way as to incur the risk of, and to incur a risk by engaging in an action.1


Medicines risk therefore can refer to medicines themselves and to the actions of people handling medicines. Chapter 11 dealt with the financial risks relating to medicines use; this chapter will focus on the risk of harm to the patient. The principles discussed apply throughout the National Health Service (NHS) and beyond, but the organisational context is based on the NHS in England.


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