Recovery of Dues

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Chapter: Forensic Pharmacy : The Drugs (Price Control) Order (OPCO), 1995

The Government may by notice direct the manufacturer importer or distributor to deposit amount accrued under DPCO 1979 on or before Commencement of this order into Drugs Prices Equalisation Account within specified time.

Recovery of Dues

The Government may by notice direct the manufacturer importer or distributor to deposit amount accrued under DPCO 1979 on or before Commencement of this order into Drugs Prices Equalisation Account within specified time. The amount shall be utilized for promoting pharmaceutical education and research, paying the shortfall between retention price and common selling price to the manufacturer, importer or distributor; or for meeting expenses incurred by the Government in discharging different functions related to the Order.

The manufacturer, importer or distributor has to display prices of non-Scheduled formulations and their price list. The manufacturer or distributor shall not refuse sale of drug to dealer and dealer in turn, to a customer without sufficient reasons.

A manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler shall sell a formulation to a retailer unless otherwise permitted at a price equal to the retail price as specified by an order (excluding exise duty, if any) minus 16% thereof for Scheduled drugs.

The Government reserves the right of fixing by general or specific order in public interest the price of any formulation to the wholesaler or retailer in respect.

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