Pharmacy support for medicines management in CHS

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Community health services

Medicines management issues that arise in CHS have much in common with those in the hospital pharmacy service. The pharmacy support required by CHS therefore has some similarities with hospital pharmacy.

Pharmacy support for medicines management in CHS


Medicines management issues that arise in CHS have much in common with those in the hospital pharmacy service. The pharmacy support required by CHS therefore has some similarities with hospital pharmacy. For example:


·      strategic advice – to inform planning of new services and redesign of existing services


·      support for clinical governance – policies, procedures, audit, monitoring safe practices with medicines and reducing medication-related risks


·      advice on safe appropriate use and handling of medicines


·      medicines information and query answering


·      education and training for other healthcare professionals


·      supply and dispensing


·      clinical pharmacy services – to community hospitals and to specialist teams


·      medication reviews in care homes.


However, significant differences and factors need to be considered by the CHS pharmacy team. For example, in the CHS environment healthcare profes-sionals work more autonomously and may work in isolation from colleagues, such as when caring for someone in his/her own home. The pharmacy staff supporting CHS need to understand the range of environments where medi-cines are used and who will be using them, as well as having a good under-standing of the legal framework so that they can risk-assess practice and provide advice accordingly.


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