Pharmacy's contribution

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Mental health pharmacy

The New Ways of Working initiative is, of course, evidence of pharmacy’s contribution to the care and use of medicines of those with mental illness and LD.

Pharmacy's contribution


The New Ways of Working initiative is, of course, evidence of pharmacy’s contribution to the care and use of medicines of those with mental illness and LD. As described in other chapters, pharmacy focuses on the safe and effective use of medicines and the importance of tailoring regimens to the individual. The evidence base from across pharmacy can be drawn upon, for example for reconciliation on admission, but there are also examples specific to mental illness and LD. Maidment et al. identified the errors that occur in mental healthcare. The literature also contains a number of examples of how pharmacists can contribute, but evidence of impact is less common. Finley et al. reported a systematic review of pharmacists’ impact in mental health in 2003, noting: ‘most of the investigations were small, and significant limita-tions in study design limited further comparison’, though they went on to acknowledge the many anecdotal reports of success and urged further trials. Pharmacists working in mental illness and LD do need to help develop the evidence base to ensure pharmacy’s contribution with regard to safety and improved outcomes is understood. Consultant pharmacists working in men-tal illness and LD may have a particularly important role to play in ensuring this happens since, alongside their leadership role, the posts should contain significant elements of research and development. Chapter 18 discusses this in more detail.


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