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Chapter: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : Enzymes and Protein Drugs

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme extracted from the pancreas of certain animals like hog, Sus scrofa (Suidae), or ox, Bos taurus (Bovidae) that is used to supplement loss of or low digestive enzymes, often used in people with cystic fibrosis. It is also known as pancreatinum and pancreatic enzymes.




Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme extracted from the pancreas of certain animals like hog, Sus scrofa (Suidae), or ox, Bos taurus (Bovidae) that is used to supplement loss of or low digestive enzymes, often used in people with cystic fibrosis. It is also known as pancreatinum and pancreatic enzymes.


Pancreatin is made up of the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, amylase, and lipase. Pancreatin is very similar to another enzyme known as pancrelipase. The primary difference between these two enzymes is that pancrelipase contains more active lipase enzyme than pancreatin. The trypsin found in pancreatin works to hydrolyse proteins to oligo-peptides, amylsas hydrolyses starches to oligosaccharides and the disaccharide maltose, and lipase hydrolyses triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerols.


Pancreatin is an effective enzyme supplement for replacing missing pancreatic enzymes used in a number of essential body processes.


Pancreatin enzymes have two important functions in the body: digestion of foods and routine cancer eradication. Pancreatin is a mix of many different enzymes and those involved in the digestion of proteins are also used to help eliminate cancers that occur. Cancer is often a disease of protein metabolism because the pancreatin enzyme cancer defence mechanism can be overwhelmed by consuming protein rich foods at inappropriate times or in excessive amounts. The body needs a time span each day approaching 12 hours or more without protein consumption for its pancreatin cancer defence mechanism to work optimally. Pancreatin enzymes can be made ineffective by contact with acids or alcohols. A diet comprised mostly of refined foods and meats may result in an acidic body chemistry that depletes these enzymes. Cancer, once established, ensures its survival by continuously generating acid as it inefficiently metabolizes food. Consuming alcoholic beverages can also interfere with the defence mechanism. Many popular cosmetics that contain acids or alcohols are a special concern for skin cancer. Mercury leakage from amalgam tooth fillings is also debilitating too many enzyme functions. It has also been claimed to help with food allergies, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and weight loss.


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