Oxidation States in Common Functional Groups

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Chapter: Organic Chemistry : Oxidation States of Organic Compounds

The same process can be carried out to determine the oxidation levels of car-bon atoms in several common functional types.


The same process can be carried out to determine the oxidation levels of car-bon atoms in several common functional types. It is clear that by using these procedures we can assign oxidation levels to carbon atoms in a wide variety of compounds. It is also clear that knowing the oxidation level is insufficient to assign the functional group present. For example, the alkane neopentane, the alkene isobutylene, the alkyne propyne, the alcohol isopropanol, and formalde-hyde all have a carbon with an oxidation level of 0 yet all belong to completely different functional classes and have different physical and chemical characteristics.

Thus the oxidation level of a given carbon is dependent only on the groups which are attached to it, not on the functional group to which it belongs.

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