Outpatient clinical pharmacy services

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Clinical pharmacy

The traditional role of outpatient prescription dispensing is being replaced in many hospitals by clinical pharmacy input into the clinics themselves.

Outpatient clinical pharmacy services


The traditional role of outpatient prescription dispensing is being replaced in many hospitals by clinical pharmacy input into the clinics themselves. This practice follows the logic that hospitals should only dispense medicines to those outpatients in immediate need and the Audit Commission has recommended that primary and secondary care should work together to limit the practice of outpatient dispensing to eliminate much of the confusion that is commonly generated when two doctors are prescribing to the same patient. This allows hospitals to utilise some of the resources saved to implement more beneficial pharmacy services and many hospitals pharmacists now actively manage medication for selected outpatients, including those on anti-coagulation (see above), lithium, rheumatology medication, lipid-lowering agents, transplant medicines and many others.


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