Immediate Hypersensitivity

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Chapter: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Immunology

Mast cells express high-affinity receptors (Fce) that bind the Fc domain of IgE antibodies. In the absence of antigen these receptors are occupied by the IgE monomer...


Mast cells express high-affinity receptors (Fce) that bind the Fc domain of IgE antibodies. In the absence of antigen these receptors are occupied by the IgE monomer (antigen valency of 2) secreted previously from plasma cells. In this circumstance the IgE molecules are serving a cognitive function which, on appropriate antigen binding, results in aggregation of the membrane-bound IgE and causes immediate mast cell degranulation and release of inflammatory mediators. Mast cells possess in their membranes IgE monomers able to recognize different antigenic epitopes. This contrasts with each single B-lymphocyte, which possesses IgM antibody on its surface membrane that performs a cognitive function but is capable of recognizing only a single epitope specificity.


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