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Chapter: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Antibiotics And Synthetic Antimicrobial Agents: Their Properties And Uses

Although penicillins are among the safest antimicrobial agents available, allergic reactions, particularly skin allergies, may occur in 1–10% of patients receiving them, and the much more serious, and potentially fatal, anaphylactic reactions occur in 0.005–0.05% of cases.



Although penicillins are among the safest antimicrobial agents available, allergic reactions, particularly skin allergies, may occur in 1–10% of patients receiving them, and the much more serious, and potentially fatal, anaphylactic reactions occur in 0.005–0.05% of cases. Patients sensitive to one penicillin will be sensitive to all others because it is the basic penicillin structure that is responsible for the hypersensitivity, but benzyl penicillin and ampicillin are the ones most likely to cause anaphylaxis and skin allergy respectively. Although hypersensitivity reactions can occur after administration via any route, the more severe reactions are most likely to arise after intravenous injection. About 10% of patients allergic to penicillins will also be sensitive to cephalosporins.

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