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Chapter: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : Enzymes and Protein Drugs

Ficin is found in the latex of the plants of the Genus Ficus. Commercial ficin is purified from the latex of the fig tree, Ficus glabatra or Ficus carica.




Biological Source


Ficin is found in the latex of the plants of the Genus Ficus. Commercial ficin is purified from the latex of the fig tree, Ficus glabatra or Ficus carica.


Refined ficin microgranulate is a protease, which can be used when a degradation of proteolytical stuff is required.





The optimum pH of ficin depends on the substrate and its concentration. Generally the optimum pH is between 5 and 8, although ficin keeps its activity over the range of pH 4–9 at 60°C. Though the optimum temperature of ficin is 45–55°C, it is effective in temperatures between 15 and 60°C. It is obtained as a white to yellow microgranular powder. The moisture content should not exceed 6%.




It is generally used in alcohol and beer industries, hydrolization of proteins, meat processing, baking industry, pet food, health food, contact lens cleaning. Cancer treatment, antiarthritis, digestive aid, etc.


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