Exercises and lanthanum carbonate tablets Case study

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Chapter: Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry : The Clinical Use of Lanthanoids

Research the properties and clinical use of lanthanum carbonate tablets.



1. Write the electronic configuration for the following:

(a)        La

(b)       La2+

(c)        Eu

(d)       Eu3+

(e)        Er

(f)         Ce3+


2. Draw the Lewis structures for the following compounds:

(a)        Lanthanum nitrate

(b)       Lanthanum sulfate

(c)        Lanthanum acetate


3. A typical solution of Dotarem for injection is labelled with gadoteric acid, 0.5 mmol/ml/100 ml. Calculate

(a)        the amount of gadoteric acid in gram;

(b)       the corresponding amount of DOTA;

(c)        the corresponding amount of gadolinium oxide.


Case study: lanthanum carbonate tablets

Research the properties and clinical use of lanthanum carbonate tablets. Summarise your findings in a drug monograph, which could be published in a Pharmacopoeia. Your drug monograph should contain the following aspects:

1.     Chemical structure

2.     Action and use

(a)        Preparation

3.     Chemical formula

4.     Definition

5.     Content

6.     Characteristics

(a)        Appearance

(b)       Solubility

7.     Identification (two different forms of identification)

(a)        Identification A

(b)       Identification B

8.     Assay to quantify the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient)

9.     Impurities.


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