Establishing local posts

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Consultant pharmacists

The publication of the Department of Health guidance in 2005 heralded a new way of establishing posts in the NHS, hitherto unseen.

Establishing local posts


The publication of the Department of Health guidance in 2005 heralded a new way of establishing posts in the NHS, hitherto unseen. Local organisations were required to identify the service need and produce a submission/ business plan to their local organisation as usual. However, the proposal then had to be presented to a specially convened panel at their strategic health authority, which determined whether the post met the requirement of the Department of Health guidance. The panel members were specified in the guidance as:


·      chief pharmacist or director of pharmaceutical services


·      lay member or patient representative


·      pharmacist with appropriate expertise in the practice area under consideration


·      strategic health authority representative


·      higher education institution representative


The business plan/submission is required to contain the service need for patient benefit and outline of the appointment process as well as the job description, person specification and competency requirements for potential post-holders with details of time allocated for each of the four main post functions. Competencies were measured against the ACLF, as documented in the Department of Health guidance.


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