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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Consultant pharmacists

While the majority of consultant pharmacist posts are in the hospital sector and specific clinical specialties, the importance of primary care contribution is increasingly clear and new roles recognise this.

Current posts/where we are now


While the majority of consultant pharmacist posts are in the hospital sector and specific clinical specialties, the importance of primary care contribution is increasingly clear and new roles recognise this. In addition, the guidance is flexible enough to allow a number of different models of consultant role.


The models include:


·      Specialist hospital consultant pharmacist: for example in critical care, human immunodeficiency virus, where the pharmacist provides on-site expertise to a specific cohort of patients in a ward and/or clinic-based setting. In the latter example, there are strong connections with primary care.


·      Generalist hospital consultant pharmacists: this model can include a consultancy role where pharmacists have a number of areas of expertise (two or three, rather than one) and their caseload is through referral from other pharmacists and healthcare professionals. They may also have ward-based commitment.


Another version of this model is seen within the acute admissions unit in hospitals where consultant pharmacists are the lead pharmacy practitioners for these units that admit general medicine and/or surgery patients.


·      Specialist primary care consultant pharmacist: this role is less common but includes practitioners leading general practice services and/or running their own clinics, such as cardiology or substance abuse.


·      Generalist primary care consultant pharmacist: this is a developing role and currently only exists for care of older people; however, there is great potential for support of community pharmacists and pharmacists with a special interest (see Department of Health guidance).


At present there are no established consultant pharmacist posts in service-led pharmacy, for example medicines information, technical services, although there are many recognised pharmacy experts in these areas. In the current financial climate, establishment of consultant posts must demonstrate clear outcomes for patient benefit that maximise use of resources in a difficult health economy.


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