Contribution to Economy of the People

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Chapter: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : Role of Medicinal Plants on National Economy

A partnership scheme among institutions involved, i.e. the fanners, general public, research and higher education, Government health care services providers and the industry, taking into consideration the interest of each constituent, is to be directed to an integrated National Herbal Medicine Industry.




A partnership scheme among institutions involved, i.e. the farmers, general public, research and higher education, Government health care services providers and the industry, taking into consideration the interest of each constituent, is to be directed to an integrated National Herbal Medicine Industry.


The industry is expected to have better access to the market and the customers of the commodities for further processing to produce added value. The industry and its technology will play its role in creating and enhancing the competitiveness of the products, and the results in the form of revenue will be distributed to the farmers through the procurement of farmer’s products in an agreed reasonable price. Research and higher education institution with the support from government will provide the knowledge and technical assistance required by the farmers. The farmers will then have all the requirements to participate and contribute to activities that will ultimately and positively impact the economy of the farmer. The scheme will result multiplier effects through creation of new jobs.


Herbal medicines will be the leading products in pharmaceutical business in the future. The abundant sources of many varieties and uniqueness of medicinal plants for herbal medicines open opportunity for the development of competitive pharmaceutical products to supply the domestic and export market.


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