Clinical risk

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Strategic medicines management

The sixteenth century physician Paracelsus is quoted as saying that ‘the only thing that differentiates a medicine from a poison is the dose’.

Clinical risk


The sixteenth century physician Paracelsus is quoted as saying that ‘the only thing that differentiates a medicine from a poison is the dose’. This view is just as pertinent today as it was then, with medication-related incidents the third highest incident type reported to the National Patient Safety Agency. Furthermore, it has been estimated that 1000 deaths per year are due to medication errors or adverse events. Although today’s medicines are subject to rigorous safety checks as part of the licensing procedure they still represent a significant clinical risk, since the use of medicines as a healthcare interven-tion has grown significantly over the past decade. In 1998, there were, on average, 10.5 prescription items dispensed in the community per head of population per year, whereas in 2008 this had risen to 16.4 – growth of over 50%.

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