Biotechnology in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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Chapter: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Recombinant DNA Technology

One of the first and most important commercial applications of genetic engineering was the introduction of genes coding for clinically important proteins into bacteria. Because bacterial cells are cheap to grow on a large scale in fermenters, they can synthesize vast amounts of protein from the recombinant genes they carry.



One of the first and most important commercial applications of genetic engineering was the introduction of genes coding for clinically important proteins into bacteria. Because bacterial cells are cheap to grow on a large scale in fermenters, they can synthesize vast amounts of protein from the recombinant genes they carry. This results in a significant reduction in cost and an increase in the availability of these proteins. There are currently a large number of important recombinant drugs available on the market, examples of which are provided in Table 25.5. This chapter covers only the genetic manipulation strategies used to produce some well-known drugs.


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