Biofilm Assays

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Chapter: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Microbial Biofilms: Consequences For Health

It should now be obvious that to find antibiotics capable of treating biofilm infections we require a biofilm assay of antibiotic efficacy. The lack of such an assay and the inability to deal with biofilm infections has in part slowed the adoption of the importance of biofilms in modern medicine.



It should now be obvious that to find antibiotics capable of treating biofilm infections we require a biofilm assay of antibiotic efficacy. The lack of such an assay and the inability to deal with biofilm infections has in part slowed the adoption of the importance of biofilms in modern medicine. High through put screening of antibiotics against biofilms must be achieved for this field to move forward. More diagnostics like the bioFILM PA assay must be developed, and our understanding of the composition of natural antibiotic fermentations must be better defined for us to understand the synergies that might exist between existing antibiotics and to formulate the composition of ingredients of future antibiotics yet to be defined.


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