Applying for a post

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Chapter: Hospital pharmacy : Consultant pharmacists

Pharmacists wishing to apply for a consultant pharmacist post were required to demonstrate competence according to the Department of Health guidance.

Applying for a post


Pharmacists wishing to apply for a consultant pharmacist post were required to demonstrate competence according to the Department of Health guidance. The framework provided was divided into six ‘clusters’ and practitioners were required to submit evidence of highest-level practice (mastery) in a minimum of three clusters: (1) expert practice; (2) building working relationships; and leadership, with a minimum of the middle level, ‘excellence’, in manage-ment, education and training, and research and evaluation. This would form part of an interview submission for new applicants.


In order to facilitate the establishment of the posts, the first 2 years after the consultant post establishment allowed for ‘transitional’ arrangements. Organisations with posts matching the consultant profile could submit an application for strategic health authority approval of these posts and practi-tioners, who were already in the post, operating at consultant level, were permitted to submit evidence of their suitability for the post, using the ACLF to facilitate demonstration of competence.


However, NHS reorganisation in 2005 made it difficult for the process of appointment to become established. The process was the same as for nurse and AHP consultants, with more constraints, as the nurse consultants had in some cases become a rebadging of advanced practitioners. Academic links were particularly difficult to establish as schools of pharmacy were not experienced with work-based learning and practitioner teaching to the same level as seen in schools of nursing. In addition universities were being challenged by new financial constraints.


The result of this has been that, at the time of writing, there are about 40 consultant pharmacist posts established.


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